Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nabta Playa, Egypt

Nabta Playa: 
Stone Circle

Location of the Stone circle
Nabta Playa, Egypt was an important ceremonial location for prehistoric people to record astronomical events. It is situated west of Abu Simbel and is a basin shape that was often filled with water. Nabta Playa is also the site of the only megalithic circle in Egypt. The stone circle is constructed of five lines of “flat, tomb-like stone structures” and stands west of the Nile River. This circle originates before the more famous Stonehenge and lines up with the Tropic of Cancer. This causes the fixture to cast no shadow for several minutes during the summer solstice. This shows the pursuit of knowledge and curiosity that Egyptians had during this time. Egypt is known for their early use of language and writing and advanced religious beliefs. This stone structure captures the aptitude the Egyptians had for the world around them.
There is a connection (assumed to be purposeful) between the Tropic of Cancer and this particular  stone circle.

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