Wednesday, December 8, 2010

They're so Above Me...

Today I attended an upperclassmen final critique. Their project was to design a new library. They spent a good deal of time researching the history of the library and surveying the community that uses it. I was amazed by the detail of the project and how they meticulously perfected each aspect of the structure. The class worked in groups on each area of the library, including a child care area, the stacks, the multimedia center, the check out area, and the atrium. The library also featured an art work piece that was intended to unite all sections of the structure. Glass panels similar to the Eco-cloud are blue from one direction, green from another, and converge in the middle. I admired their efforts for sustainability especially. They planned to have a green roof, use rain (grey) water for toilets, and used bricks from the old structure in the floor of the new building. There were several more environmentally friendly strategies they planned that I can't remember. I thought that for their first time designing a real building it was very impressive. I can't believe that will be us in just a few years.

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