Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Let's Get Together, Yeah yeah yeah

Refugium of a Forester in Sweden by Petra Gipp Arkitektur
The Refugium and barn by Petra Gipp Arkitektur are located on a remote location of a heavy forested area, creating a low impact on the terrain and blending with its surroundings and landscape. The space is very peaceful; perfect for a writer’s retreat.

Read more at Design Milk:

This recently instituted international holiday was designed to give the peoples of the United Nations a time to explore the customs and culture of other nations. However, if these nations are urging their citizens to broaden their horizons and appreciate different traditions  and societies, these leaders should also take a step in getting to know each other in a low-pressure and relaxed environment. They should use this holiday to put aside politics and enjoy the cultural aspects each nation has to offer.
For that reason, I decided to design the space for the leaders to spend this day. The location of the gathering will take place in Sweden.  Sweden is, and has been a supporter of the United Nations, and I think would host a beautiful get together for their fellow nations. Sweden joined the UN in the year of 1946, soon after its formation, and has been an active member in its attempts to help the environment and to fight terrorism. I have not perceived any aggressions concerning Sweden with other countries, and unless that is different in 2015, I promote Sweden as the meeting point for the UN's leader gathering.
Specifically, the leaders will assemble in a secluded cabin or tree house form structure in the forests of Sweden. The location is vital. The isolation of the cabin/tree house will provide a kind of retreat for the UN leaders who choose to attend. The distance from the stress of affairs of state will allow these UN members to see other leaders on a new level. It will deepen relationships and cultural understanding. The time in nature will give these leaders a breath of fresh air from the tight spots they find themselves in because of their positions of power.
The table I am working on is a circular table which is capable of expanding to seat more people. I wanted to create a feeling of equality and unison between these cultural representatives. They need to set an example for the success of this celebration. The circle signifies a holy gathering, is historically connected to the “knights of the round table”, and sets the scene for or a peaceful gathering. The chairs will match the theme of a forest getaway with their rough form and simplicity.
The meal will include tapas or small appetizers of foods prevalent in each of the attending UN representatives. The curtains of the light room will be closed to project the news and current happenings of each countries culture throughout the room, allowing guests to acquire  and learn about the soul of the countries they associate with.

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